Contact Us

For more information please feel free to come and visit us at:
4823 47 Avenue, Stony Plain, Alberta, T7Z 1L7
Google Map | click here
Or alternatively call us at 780-963-3020.
Email | Star Bright Daycare
4823 47 Avenue, Stony Plain, Alberta, T7Z 1L7
Google Map | click here
Or alternatively call us at 780-963-3020.
Email | Star Bright Daycare

In Alberta, the accreditation process supports child care programs in their efforts to improve the quality of their services and provides parents with information to enable them to choose quality care. By going through this rigorous accreditation process, programs are committing to raising the standard of care children receive in Alberta. For more information on this process please click the logo to link.

Keep up to date with Star Bright Daycare & Out of School Care by visiting our Facebook page. Please click the logo to link.